This is artisan grapefruit seltzer from Grocery Outlet.
Although I bought it for the slim swing top bottle, the sparkling water is scrumptious. The empty bottles I bought online were more expensive and not as nice.
The bread is from my second loaf of barley bread, this time with puree of spaghetti squash as the liquid and 1 cup of ground pearl barley, 1/2 cup oat flour, and 1 1/2 cups of Bluebird. Otherwise it is the same as my standard bread machine recipe (2T each of sugar and avocado oil, 2 tsp each of salt and yeast, or 2 1/2 tsp if I am using SAF-instant which necessity and the pandemic taught me works just as well as the more expensive brand that I bought to get all those wonderful 4 oz amber jars), and of course, the obligatory 1 cup of liquid to 3 cups of flour.
It is shocking, in retrospect, that although I have been making my own bread since the 80's that I never baked with barley before.
For my first loaf, I used a cup of barley water from Quaker's Pearl Barley, blending the fermented pearls in the soak water. I used 1 cup of oat flour and 2 cups of bluebird and the rest the same as above.
Either way the barley really helped make the bread delicious, although the texture and taste of each was very different.