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I am still a big AC fan though I haven't had much time to write anything new there lately. I've learned the secret to making money there is to write articles that get search traffic...I'm making a nice little chunk of change there each month, without doing anything at all :)


I found this article through myLot. I am a member there as well as on Triond. I tried to sign up with Associated Content but they do not allow Canadians into their program, only US residents. I enjoy the discussions and comments that you have made at myLot and I am going to check out your Triond stuff as well. Maybe you could do the same for me.

Janet Ann

I should have mentioned myLot here as well. I've bought some neat stuff with myLot earnings too even though they are not residual :-)


If you want to buy real estate, you would have to get the loan. Furthermore, my brother all the time uses a sba loan, which supposes to be the most rapid.

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