Here I am playing around after learning how to divide a circle into 6 equal parts in order to make hexagrams. These interest me because I have been seeing Star Tetrahedrons everywhere. Seriously, I had no idea that these geometric solids have gender.
Presumably the Light Body with the wide top (the blue and purple on I have drawn above) is supposed to spin counterclockwise. The brown and gold one (which is he "boy") spins clockwise.
After taking an eCourse in Sound Healing almost two years ago, I started seeing some geometric shapes in my mind's eye while appying the sounds to the requisite meridians. This prompted me to look for some of these ideas online and it seems to be a case of "when the student is ready the teacher appears" because I am suddenly finding blogs and videos on sacred geometry, a topic which has always interested me, but which until recently I never seemed to have time to explore.
I made a tile design to decorate one of my folders and posted about it here.