Back in the days of Palm Pilots I had some pretty good relational database software which allowed me to track the attendance and test scores of three or four hundred students quarterly, balance my budget to the cent in real time, and, well, you know, basically it was my brain. Then for a very long time as fine as Android Galaxy Smartphones are, there was nothing that ran on my Notes that even came close. I was lost and bewildered without that software.
However, just within the year I somehow came across in the Play Store, after testing countless other apps and their all falling short, an app offered by a company in Mumbai called Solution Developers that gave me my brain back. Seriously, this software thinks exactly the way I think and it has gotten me back on track with my budget and all the personal details of my life. I have seen and tried very expensive programs that did not meet my needs half as well as this little gem.
It is called Table Notes and it just keeps getting better. The latest improvement is a drawing column/field, so that I can make quick sketches and attach them to ideas I have for things I want to make. It has a photo field too, so if I have an idea, for example, of a tool I want to carve from wood, I have set up columns where I can give it a quick description, add a list of materials needed for the project, draw a sketch of what I envision it will look like, and then after I make the tool, I can store a photo there too, with suggestions for modifications and improvements.
This is absolutely one of my cannot live without Android apps, right up there with ToDoist, Miro, and the Jorte Calendar.
Caveat: If you do not have any experience with a relational database, there might be a learning curve with Table Notes, but if you do, then you will be able to have Table Notes doing useful things in seconds. It is completely intuitive, at least it was for me.