These tomatoes overwintered from seeds I sprouted in the Spring of 2020, and the cayenne pepper plant was $1.49 at the 99 Cents Only Store. Economical eats, but a lot of work keeping them alive in the hot desert sun.
It is said to be fortuitous when mourning doves nest near you. This one is at eye level and just inches away from my beefstake tomatoes. She takes the night shift and stays until the light of day, but then her husband comes to sit on the eggs during the hottest hours of sun. He is bigger than her, with a longer beak, and although the markings are similar hers are more gray and his are a rosy pink. He sits unblinking when I go by with my watering can, but she is more expressive. They don't seem to mind at all when I rush past them. It is almost as if they know I am a friend and am just there to bring them a bowl of fresh water and to tend the plants.