This zucchini is growing in a small planter attached to the railing on my front porch. I only got one to germinate from the seed pack I bought from MzTizzys on Etsy.
She doesn't sell these any more, but in its place shows one called Astia, which is a dwarf patio squash without the lovely Cocozelle stripes. She does have one called Cocozelle di Napoli which appears to be similar with a straighter shape. See also Territorial Seeds, White Flower Farms, West Coast Bush Baby Marrow,
Plant World, and more.
Apparently, what we call zucchini is better known as baby marrow in Europe, where the green marrow squash we call zucchini is known as courgette.
Can you imagine a 100 pound zucchini?
For a while seeds for spineless yellow early zucchini (Gold Rush, for example) were completely unavailable and most of the summer the few vendors who offered them were charging up to $25 for just a few seeds. After a long search I found an Amazon vendor selling 250 seeds for $13.90. I bought them fast, and plan to grow some indoors over the winter.
I harvested another 8-ball type zucchini today, too, and blogged about it here.