I have been buying the Clone Your Own Plant Cuttings pods which fit the grow holes in my AeroGarden planters, and they are affordable and quite nice, but recently I decided to try using open cell foam sealing tape (also from Amazon) to make inserts for repurposed water bottle tops. By doing this I can cut out little hand grips for my home made pods. This makes it easier to pull the pods out when swapping holes or checking roots.
The yellow thing under the cutting on the right of my collage is one of the "washers" I make out of flexible cutting mats to allow the fabricated pots to fit neatly without falling through the grow hole.
This clone is Malabar spinach which grew off an old stem which I sprouted from seed in January and then allowed to go to seed over the summer. As it was my first time growing this fascinating edible green, I wanted to see what the flowers and berries would look and taste like. I also wanted to know if cuttings made from bolted plants would be as viable as new cuttings. It appears that they are. Now that I know that the berries are pretty but not very tasty, I have devised a simple way to keep the plants I clone from going to seed -- I just eat the flowers as soon as they appear.
I had to throw out some of the plants that I had let go to seed because I neglected to change their water and feed them for a few months (again, just to see what would happen) -- well, spotted leaf (fungus?) is what happened, but it was easy enough to contain, indoors, in a water garden. BTW, given that AeroGarden grow holes are prime real estate on my counter top, and Malabar spinach is so low maintenance and easy to grow, you might wonder why I am putting this cutting in the AG at all. I am just giving it a jump-start! AG's are good for that, too.