Ceylon or Malabar "spinach" is a somewhat mucilaginous vining plant less known in the United States than in many other parts of the world. Highly nutritous, it is also beautiful. I haven't cooked any yet, but eaten raw it strikes me as tasting like a combination of Swiss Chard, okra, and spinach.
I like it because it is nutritionally dense, easy to grow, attractive, heat loving, and grows in water (or soil) .
This is the first time I have tried to grow Malabar Spinach, and it took a very long time to sprout and mature, but now I think I am in love with this plant. I put my first cutting in water today and am very interested in knowing how long it will take to sprout. Florida Hillbilly says 10 days with Root Tone. Warning: One could get lost for days in db's wonderful website!
I can hardly wait to try growing Basella alba next.
Update: In my experiment comparing rooting in plain (filtered) water with cuttings of like size rooted with K-L-N Rooting Solution, there was no difference in rooting time.