This small pot of morning glories that I grew from seeds germinated indoors in my AeroGarden started outdoor life under these supports, but the ground squirrels gnawed them, stems and all, down to an inch about the dirt. So I put the flower pot in my raised garden and left for a month's vacation. When I got back the vines pictured above were entwined around and around a couple of tomato plants and the grape vine was wrapped around them as well. It was a jungle!
So I carefully unwrapped all the strands, cutting through with a scissors when necessary trying not to disturb the blooms, and returned the pot to its original home. But this time I put it on top of a 12" shelf and stacked square paver bricks underneath.
I predicted that the hot afternoon sun would kill this plant but my neighbor who has lived in Texas said they love the heat and full sun won't hut it.
My neighbor said two additional things:
1) the pot is too small, and
2) the plant will get too big.
I replied "Not if I keep it in the too-small pot!" So the bet is on.