This is what became of the stem cutting I put in the AeroGarden 3 to root on June 23:
It took root in approximately 3 weeks and then went on to open up 3 lovely flowers. It is a good thing too that it is thriving, as the parent plant has just about succumbed to the desert heat and is no longer flowering. It is not doing well at all out on the porch, so if I'm to be sure of saving it, I'd better take some more cuttings fast.
I had cut all the buds off before cloning in order to give strength to the new roots, so I wondered how long it would take to bloom again. Here is a shot of the Million Bells roots:
These roots are very fragile at the top and break off easily if the foam insert is moved.
Of course, the basil cutting in the back dwarfs the others. The
spiderette "cutting" was taken about the same time and it has formed an
amazing root structure:
The new spider plant and basil are ready to be moved into passive containers.