Having grown up on a dairy farm, I am pretty fussy about my milk. Where we are currently staying the stores do not carry cream-top milk in the glass bottles, but they do have a 99 Cents Only Store, which sells milk that I consider delicious for under a dollar a quart. So, being frugal, I was naturally looking at those cute plastic containers and wondering what they might be good for.
I'm growing scallions, basil, and this tomato cutting in the converted milk bottles, and wrote articles about the latter two here:
As described in the basil article, I cut the top off the jugs and inverted them in the base, with the cap screwed on and drain holes punched beneath the handle. This works just as well as the containers I was making out of Figi water and Juice bottles, but the milk jug containers, although shallower, have a larger diameter.