We found a six-pack of bedraggled petunias at our local garden shop and decided to see if we could rescue them:
Five are shown above, and I put the sixth plant in one of my containers with the grow rocks. I also took cuttings and put four of them in a Gel2Grow cube and two more in water, just to see if they would root. Someone told me you cannot root petunias in plain water, so I had to try it, but I did dip one of the cuttings in a bit of Schultz. I should have taken the advice reader Red Icculus gave after my earlier post and tried the polyacrylamide crystals, but we had one of the cubes lying around and had not gotten around to buying the crystals.
This next gadget is a gravity feed water filter that uses two Doulton "candles" which can be scrubbed clean and reused indefinitely. It filters out 99.9% of all the ickies and ensures our success in indoor gardening without the bother and expense of hauling in water. We don't drink the tap water where we live so we certainly are not going to feed it to our plants.
We have had this unit for about ten years and really just bought it for emergency preparedness, but when we started doing some serious indoor gardening, I dragged it out and put it to use.
More on the petunias here and here and here.
A week later, on Thanksgiving Day, here are my orphan petunias:
And here on December 2:
The little one in the center that has no flowers yet is a newly rooted cutting, with a tiny bud on it ;-)
These are taking OVER!