Here is a photo of my newest experiment, cucumbers and okra growing in liquid nutrient solution poured over Hydroton grow rocks:
3 days later:
The blue lid is intended to slow down evaporation. Here is a detail of the cucumbers with the lid cutouts shown in the insert at the top right:
Here are some photos explaining how I made a tomato container using a 75 cent paper towel holder as a stake:
The inner container is a Ziplock container with the screw-on type lid and I used an awl to poke drainage holes in the bottom. It nests inside a less expensive container that I got in 4-packs at the dollar store. Just now the leggy tomato plants in the container do not need staking, but it would be difficult to attach the paper towel holder to the container later.
Nested in the same direction this method allows the nutrients to fill the inner container. But turned the other way it allows them to drain off the roots which gives them some air. So I drain the solution a couple times a day in this manner, pouring it back over the top of the grow rocks each time.
Yes, these are leggy tomatoes and that is OK because I'm not sure the weather has cooled down enough on the porch to try this. The bushy ones indoors in the AeroGarden are doing great and have a profusion of flowers but so far only one fruit. Ah, but it is gorgeous!