I bought a pound of fennel seeds for culinary use, and decided to see if a few of the seeds would sprout. EasySprout is my favorite sprouter, by the way, and they have recently improved it:
My Favorite Sprouter Got Better
I always have 2 or 3 of these out on the counter growing something or another to use in sandwiches, usually fenugreek and sunflower seeds. The fennel took a long time to sprout and I was about to give up, when a straggly little sprout appeared. A couple days later there was another and as soon as I had enough for a hit or miss trial, I put them in a grow pod from the AG Master Gardener kit and popped them into our AeroGarden Deluxe. Here is what is left after tasting, now three weeks old:
The basil in the background is one of the cuttings rooted from the plant we started a month ago. It is growing in a weak liquid nutrient solution, supported by small diameter Hydroton grow rocks (4-8 mm) which serve the roots with capillary action.
The parent plant is the rightmost photo below:
To the left is Red Asia Amaranth (one month old) , Bolivian Coriander (Papalo) snuggling up to the Mesclun Mix just 18 days after planting, and a closeup of the Tender Green Amaranth when it was still small.